Kayla Gautereaux is a leader in voice artistry, education, and research. Seeker of evidence-based and people-centric solutions to salient problems. She gets stuff done.


Kayla lives in Lexington, MA with her family and dog, Felix. Professor Gautereaux teaches at Boston Conservatory, guiding MFA Vocal Pedagogy students through the dissertation research, writing, and defense process. She previously held the position of Assistant Vocal Pedagogy Director and Voice and Sound Analysis Lab Manager at New England Conservatory in Boston. She serves on the Governance Committee of the NATS Boston Chapter, centering programming and policies on IDEA-affirming practices.

Contact Kayla for more info.

My intersectional identities include

Cisgender woman, white, able-bodied, bisexual, married, teen-parent, first-generation college graduate, artist, teacher, scholar, mother of three on earth and one in the bee-loud glade.